Mathematics Center is an university-wide unit operating at the Gdansk University of Technology since 2006.
The main objective of the Mathematics Teaching and Distance Learning Center is to implement teaching programs in mathematical subjects, in accordance with the study programs in particular majors, while improving the methods, forms and content of teaching, with particular emphasis on the use of distance learning methods and techniques.
Other areas of the Center's activity include:
- organizing courses, trainings, conferences, seminars, lectures for teachers, students and other persons and institutions,
- promoting and popularizing mathematical knowledge and skills as well as developing mathematical talents,
- initiating and conducting work on remote teaching as an element supporting the traditional didactic process (while technical, software, and the distance teaching platform related services are conducted and developed by the IT Service Center).
The Centre's employees are involved in many projects related to the popularization of mathematics (including cooperation with schools, in form of traditional lectures, e-learning courses, competitions) and the use of the latest technologies in education (e.g. e-Technologies in Engineering Education Conference).
The Centre also offers math courses for high school seniors preapring for their exit exams ("matura"), and for high school graduates preparing to begin their studies in technical univiersities.
We encourage you to cooperate with the Mathematics Center!