The "Mathematics" portal has been designed and is being constantly developed by employees of the Mathematics Center and the Language Centre at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Teaching materials placed on this website are primarily aimed at students of the English taught specialization Green Technologies of the Faculty of Chemistry. However, we welcome everyone to use this website for improvement of their language and mathematical skills.
The "Study Materials" section has been based on teaching standards for this major. It contains materials prepared by employees of the Gdańsk University of Technology as well as valuable links to other websites.
The "Interactive Exercises" section allows testing oneself using two kinds of on-line resources. One of these are Java applets concerning various algebraic algorithms - determinants, matrix inverses, systems of equations and many more. Another set of exercises is given using WebMathematica, a set of on-line tools allowing to draw function graphs, integrate functions and many more.
The "Vocabulary" section consists of an English to Polish mathematical translator and of a set of mathematical formulas and ways to read them out loud in English. Most dictionary entries are accompanied by audio files prepared by a native speaker.
The "What to say..." section has been prepared by our Students - it contains a few tips on how to form sentences in English while solving an exercise on the blackboard.
The "English for Mathematics - for students of technical studies" section contains supplementary materials for the script written under the same title. The script has been printed by the PG publishing house in 2010 and is addressed to anyone wanting to improve their knowledge of the use of English language in mathematics.
We are constantly working to expand and improve our portal and we are grateful for any remarks and suggestions concerning functionality and essence of our portal.
Site administrator: Magdalena Musielak
Mathematics: Anita Dąbrowicz-Tlałka, Magdalena Łapińska, Magdalena Musielak, Agnieszka Patyk-Łońska
Recordings: Lara Kalenik